Values are powerful determinants of human accomplishment, progress, fulfilment, and evolution. People often dedicate their entire lives or even give up their lives to pursue their cherished values. The virtues that determine our decisions and guide our lives are already within us,. It only depends on how much we recognize, value and use them. The Brahma Kumaris have always aspired to inculcate the elevated values and qualities in man’s daily life, so that he is not only free from suffering and anxiety but also empowered to lend virtues and spiritual learning to the people and atmosphere around him.
Rapid Scientific and Technological developments and Materialistic
mindsets deploy the Spiritual component in one’s life and the society as a whole. Repercussions we witness in the present day so called Educated Society with Anxiety and depression, Drug Addiction, Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse in an unprecedented level and made adverse effects in our all lives Physical, Mental, Professional and Social. Criminal acts too increased by 28% in 2020 as compared to 2019 according to the National Crime Records Bureau.
Spiritual Literacy Mission by Brahma Kumaris:
It was started way back 1937 by the incorporeal knowledgeful Supreme father through Prajapita Brahma. Now the institution being global presence in 147 countries having consultative status in the main organs of UNO, ECOSOC and UNESCO. It has around Ten lakhs of regular godly students with dedicated Manpower of 40,000 and above in transforming the world through Self transformation. It effectively addressed various social evils such as Illiteracy, blind faith, Irrational believes and brings about time tested results for the last 87 years.
International Social service organization Rotary international and International socio- spiritual organization Brahma kumaris having HQ at Mount Abu, India join hands with hands to eradicate Illiteracy from India altogether. Memorandum of understanding was signed by Dr B.K.Mruthyunjaya, Chairman, education wing,RERF and Executive secretary, Brahma kumaris with Rotary international Director and Vice Chairman RILM Mr Kamal Sanghvi on 16th day of February, 2020 at Kolkata during the Rotary International Conference.
1. Integration of both Spiritual Literacy Mission (SLM) and Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM) such as Collaboration for creating awareness among
the public at large, Improving Adult literacy on non-literates, Collaboration for visibility platforms and knowledge sharing.
2. Celebrating 8th September as ‘LITERACY DAY’ every year at all the centres/sub centres and Gyan Pathshalas to create awareness among the public
at large.
3. Importing Functional literacy, Vocational training, Computer skills to the socially challenged Widows,, Destitute women, Sex workers, Migrant
workers, differently abled persons etc.,
4. Improve the quality of Learning/teaching Ethics and Values to be adopted in Primary education.
5. Collaborating with local Rotarians and their Spouses, Rotaractors and Interactors in this combined mission.
6. Total elimination of social evils at all levels utmost by bringing changing in their consciousness and through Spiritual Education.
7. Teaching ‘Rajyoga meditation’ for their self-empowerment to shackle the diehard Bad habits and Addictions of any kind including Social Media
Addiction for sustainable future.
RILM aims to achieve ‘ Total Literacy and Quality education’ in India through its targeted approach to remove illiteracy from India in the near future, comes out with an Action Plan called T.E.A.C.H where
T stands for Teacher Support,
E for ELearning,
A for Adult Literacy,
C for child development and
H for Happy School.
Value addition has been made by Brahma Kumaris by their rich experience in Value
Education and Spirituality. It will surely develop the moral muscle of every one
participating in the Spiritual Literacy Mission (SLM). Apart from make India free
from various social evils it will ensure sustainable development
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